warm fuzzy moment #1

Early into my job at West mid I was waiting for the lift. Entered it with a young guy who seemed to be a patient and while we were going up he unexpectedly turned to me and said “I don’t know how you guys do what you do, you have to be doing it out of love, it can’t be for the money”.

Didn’t really know how to respond, couldn’t take credit for his nice words because I really wasn’t doing much at that point. But it sure felt nice to hear. I LOVE WARM FUZZY PERSPECTIVE MOMENTS LIKE THAT


“Sleep from my soul began retreating,
And here you once again appear
Before me like a vision fleeting,
A beauty’s angel pure and clear.

In ecstasy my heart is beating,
Old joys for it anew revive;
Inspired and God-filled, it is greeting
The fire, and tears, and love alive.”

A. Pushkin

Bakerloo Rhapsody

Is this the train life?
So far from fantasy
Caught in a swarm of suckers
who also want a seat

5pm rush,
delayed trains and creeps,
I’m just a tired girl, trying to get some sleep

Because the Bakerloo is my bane
But I love it, can’t explain
Any service updates, really really matter to me.
To me.


(For dinomuni)


We booked Mubaraka an eye apt in East Grinstead (my cousin’s practice) and being an irresponsible-responsible sissy, I went with her. The day started off well, we got up a little early (8:30) but a lot later than usual (6:00). We walked to Harrow & Wealdstone and made our 1hr45min journey there. On the train, mubi and I tried to nap but my head started to pain. “It’s nothing” I thought, “it’s gna go away” I said. And it did! Intermittently I felt great and energetic, and thennn we got to the optom…

All of a sudden I was hungry and tired. While Mubaraka was having her test, I was snooping around the office trying on different frames at supersonic speed. The trial frames are non-prescribed, and constantly switching from my prescription glasses to non-prescription was apparently straining my eyes, and I didn’t realise that it was worsening my situation. I just wanted to see which ones suited me for future reference.

Anyway when Mubaraka came out we helped her pick her new frames. After about an hour of deciding and while my cousin was measuring her, I asked if I could clean my current glasses in this fancy machine. You basically put your frames into an electric bowl and then it radiates the lenses to give them a very thorough makeover.

When I put the glasses back on, it was like a whole new world. Crystal clear and bright. I went to the mirror to see if the cleanliness changed its appearance. I noticed that water had seeped in-between the lenses and the frame to cause a bright pink stain all around it. I asked my cousin if he could fix it to stop me looking like a FOOL.

He took my glasses off my visibly hopeful face and tried to dry it with a cloth. When that didn’t work, I watched him look me dead in the eye and take the frame into his man-hands and abruptly SNAP THE LENSE OUT OF THE FRAME as though he does it everyday (he does). I heard a click and blinked. He turned his back to me and I turned to Mubaraka who was playing around with her new frame and nodded my head in his direction to let her know something was up.

“Uh, Samina…your glasses are gonna break” he said
“Whut” said Mubaraka
“Pls” said me

And then he turned around and showed me the frame almost broken in half. I felt a pang, a tension. I look after my glasses more than anything else I own, I keep it isolated at night and threaten anyone who tries to touch them or my face. They are my EYES, the vessels to mY VIsION. How could they demise at the hands of an OPTOMETRIST. THE IRONY I JUST CANNOT UDNERSTAND.

I could tell he was crapping himself – “They were probably gna break anyway, the water got in and….” he blabbed on some weird and dodge excuse. He then said “You have to choose a new pair today”.

It felt like my waters broke and I was going into unexpected labour. Mubaraka proceeded to throw a bunch of new frames on my face while I was simultaneously mourning the end of my ones. Subsequently, my eyes were straining more and I was STRESSED. My cousin was attempting to fix the frame with superglue in the meanwhile.

“You’re really stressed about this aren’t you, Samina”. He said softly; my behaviour and worried expressions must’ve given it away. I felt bad. Mubaraka later helped me understand that he hadn’t meant to do that. He must’ve forgotten that my glasses were sports lenses which can’t be snapped without breaking the frame, and I shouldn’t make a big deal out of mistakes.

I agreed to purchase a simple, inexpensive frame for the interim. I then followed him into a darkroom and we did the quickest eye test ever – it lasted a minute, it was hilarious. I sat in the chair, he make a few clicks and turns and I shot ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers like bullets. He even answered the questions for me LOL. I was pleased to learn that my numbers hadn’t changed (alhamdollilah), so he placed an order for the glasses.

We said bye-bye and made our way home to get ready for masjid. We were two hours behind schedule (supposed to be home at 17:00 but were leaving at 17:00 instead). It was around then that I felt something was seriously up.

The rest of our fam had left by car and we were stressing about being crazy late. We thought there was no point in trying to make it if we’re going to miss everything but then agreed that atleast we’ll be able to do ziyarat. By some miracle the train times were in our favour. We literally ran home in the cold, had a quick shower and changed (I unwillingly wore contact lenses). Then we ran out in time to catch our bus.

Alhamdollilah, we had made it in good time for waaz. I insisted that we sit on the balcony because I felt vomity. Rushing in and out of the cold with my head covered the entire day was doing me dirty. About four months ago I had the combination of stomach bug/rashes/global aches, and was convinced that it couldn’t get much worse than this. That was epically diminished today in those four hours. I cried every two minutes with my eyes in my hands and felt the energy deplete from my body with every little move I made. My eyes were red and watery and I felt dizzy. I could see Mubaraka’s face fill with worry…”You look so ill, we need to leave”. She never ever hypes me up like that so I imagine I must’ve looked pathetic.

As soon as shahadat finished, I stood up and immediately sat back down on the floor, fearing I was going to throw up and give everyone a live show. I started crying full-on cos I got proper worried, and the crying caused my right contact lens to fall out OR possibly disappear into my eye L.O.L (I still don’t know which one but please pray it’s not the latter). We then walked to the car and sat down. I was checking to see if the lens could come out but ended up scratching my eye-ball until it looked horribly irritated.

In the car, I was so frightened I was going to pass out and not wake up. I even told Mubaraka the details of my bank account and records LMAO. My fam were concerned bcos, khuda nu shukr, this never happens to me. And ngl I was lowkey appreciating the attention and worry muahaha.

Mubaraka said that she would walk to Sainsbury’s to get me medicine but again, being irresponsibly-responsible, I insisted on braving the cold once more with her. As soon as we stepped out of Sains, I downed the Panadol ate the Yorkie bar. I then sat completely still in the car with my head tilted back waiting for the chocolate and medicine to work.

Within half-an-hour, I started to feel better. It was amazing – I could move my head without feeling like I was dying. I told Mubaraka she can go back with my phone (hers had died) to do ziyarat and get my fam. I immediately thought about Munira when my head cleared a little; after so long, it would be wrong not to see her. Coincidentally (*telepathically), Nakiyah came to the car a few minutes later and gave me the good news that Munira was on her way. Romance is a two-way thing so I made my way to her too and we had a short but sweet catch-up.

In the end, by the mercy of Allah, we all made it home safe and well. I don’t really know how else to end this weird ass, dramatic story.


Blame me, I’m not playing ball
Hate me, it’s insatiable
Not lazy, I just can’t face it all

And I can’t. And I won’t. And I don’t know.

When the underdogs rise again, I’ll have my time

When my body starts turning in, I’ll have my mind

Nothing is getting in, not even light

I’m gonna stay inside…stay inside